ITCS - Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science

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Past Conferences

ITCS is a yearly conference in Theoretical Computer Science that seeks to promote research that carries a strong conceptual message (e.g., introducing a new concept or model, opening a new line of inquiry within traditional or cross-disciplinary areas, or introducing novel techniques or novel applications of known techniques).

The ITCS conference series was initiated by Andy Yao in 2010. Initially called Innovations in Computer Science (ICS), the first two installments of the series took place in 2010 and 2011 at Tsinghua university in Beijing. the conference adopted its current name Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS) in 2012, when it was held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. Since then it has been organized at different locations:

  • ICS 2010, Tsinghua University. PC Chair: Andrew Yao.
  • ICS 2011, Tsinghua University. PC Chair: Andrew Yao.
  • ITCS 2012, Microsoft New England Research and Development Center. PC Chair: Shafi Goldwasser
  • ITCS 2013, University of California at Berkeley. PC Chair: Robert Kleinberg
  • ITCS 2014, Princeton University. PC Chair: Moni Naor.
  • ITCS 2015, Weizmann Institute. PC Chair: Tim Roughgarden.
  • ITCS 2016, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PC Chair: Madhu Sudan.

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